Feel Good Friday- Letting Go


“Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.”   ~Unknown

A year from now you will look back on this day realise all the worries, all the anxiety and fears were for nothing; that they were completely unfounded. Looking back over the last few years, how many opportunities for joy did you destroy with worry and anxiety? There’s nothing you can do about the past, those lost joys can be written off as causalities of your imagination. But there is plenty you can do today, about the ones that are yet to come.

It’s necessary to let some things go, for the simple reason that they are just too heavy on your heart, and weighs the soul. Release them. Let them go. Don’t shackle to your own soul with them. It doesn’t matter the situation, it’s easy to enjoy more of your life right now. It’s just a matter of letting go of the layers of nonsense that are weighing you down.

Release your worries and fears. Let go of your pretentiousness and your need to have everything your way. Underneath all these layers of worrying, fear and anxiety, there is a happy, productive soul waiting to be born. When you begin to peel those layers away and begin appreciating everything for what it is, then you can enjoy each moment.

~ Happy Friday

©Etta D. Richards




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