7 Cardinal Rules Of Life!


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1. Make Peace with your Past so it doesn’t spoil your Present.

2. What others think of You is none your Business

3. Time heals almost Everything, give the Time some Time.

4. No one is the Reason of your Happiness except you Yourself.

5. Don’t compare your life with others, you have No idea what their journey is all about.

6. Stop Thinking too much. It’s alright not to know all the Answers.

7. Smile, you don’t own all the problems in the world.  Stay focus and listen to that inner voice that’ always seem to be right!!!

4 thoughts on “7 Cardinal Rules Of Life!

  1. Awesome, Etta! This is beautiful – each one is a pearl of wisdom.
    John-Roger says that it’s ok to say “I don’t know.” I find it so freeing, and sometimes the answer then comes in.

    I hope you’re doing well. Looking forward to connecting again this week!

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  2. “Time heals almost everything; give Time one time time!”

    I think I’m our hustle and bustle world of instant gratification and wanting to do things the easy way, this is definitely a tough one!

    I found it hard to live through, to allow time to help me gain perspective, to dim the sharp pain and to learn how to let go and move on!

    Peace to you! Tamara

    Liked by 1 person

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