Draging Yourself Back From Burnout to Burning Bright

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It is true that even when exhausted you still are providing something to those you serve. But you are out of touch with your deepest strengths, role-modelling self-destructive behaviour, martyring yourself, and giving others cause for guilt.
― Elaine N. Aron

We all know how is it to just ‘give up!’  It’s easy to just say I’m done, and stay down when life knocks you down. That comfort zone of despair feels so much better than facing what knocked you down, that thing that brought you to your proverbial knees. That loss, that heartbreak, the exhaustion of trying to get by, the disappointments!  Any and all of these things can knock you off your feet, and beat you down so hard you don’t know if you’ll ever get back up. But as hard as it may seem to find the strength to move on, you have to.  So often folk decide to stay down, they feel safe in that comfort zone. The heartbreak of a relationship ending, you wallow in self-pity and that comfort zone seems safe. You lose your job, you’re definitely in a tailspin because you’ve given your dedication to it and now it’s gone and you wonder ‘how I can come back from this?’  The anxiety of the future can be crippling. The exhaustion of just surviving it all leads to BURN OUT! I know you’re tired! I know you’re afraid! I know the uncertainty of it all can be crippling!  

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6 Daily Reminders to Take With You Into October

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You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it’s enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up.
― Richelle E. Goodrich

This is the last day of the Month, I hope September has been good for you. Wishing you hope, love, peace, and most of all strength to see you through the month of October. Just remember, even if you haven’t achieved all those goals you’ve set for your year thus far, each new day brings with it new opportunities, new adventures, and new ideas. If Plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet, so let this October be a month to remember.

6 Daily Reminders to take with you into the month ahead……….

Why Some People Cling To Pain

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Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?— Leo Buscaglia

The human mind is your most powerful possession. It’s also one of the most difficult things to control. It takes dedication, practice, and commitment to harness the mind, to control your feelings and your thoughts. But once you do, life becomes so much better, it may still be difficult because you can’t control the minds of people around you or certain situations in life but you can live a better life when you learn to control your minds to a point where you become more conscious of your thoughts. 

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When Resilience Becomes A Way of Life

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My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. And they bring to mind something else, too. They remind me that the damage life has inflicted on me has, in many places, left me stronger and more resilient. What hurt me in the past has actually made me better equipped to face the present.
― Steve Goodier

Resilience!! It’s a word that has become synonymous with strength, power and overcoming. It is often used to refer to how well one comes out on the other side after dealing with a difficult or sometimes challenging ordeal. Whether you come out whole or come out totally in pieces. Did you handle the pressure that tried to crush you or totally lost your cool and blew it all to hell? Being resilient is more than just having a positive outlook on life’s challenges, it’s also about how well you cope with those challenges and the stress that they bring.  

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6 Companions of Love in Any Successful Relationship

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New love makes you forget, it heals old wounds, it makes you believe that the world belongs to just two of you. YNG

Relationships are great when they work and terrible when they fall to pieces.  Most relationships fall apart because of what is expected from the other person you choose to share your life with.  The great expectation is that the euphoria of new love will last forever. The start of any relationship is the best of a relationship. New love is just that, new.  It’s exciting, it’s exhilarating, it makes your heart race, and you get butterflies in the pit of your stomach and all those wonderful things because life is amazing!!

 During a new courtship, new love is addictive because all desires are heightened, our sexual desire,  our desire to communicate and strengthen that bond with that person, we want them to know as much about us, how much we love them, how attracted we are to them. New love is filled with words of adoration, messages of love and the thought of not being able to live without that other person is so intense, that nothing else matters. Not distance, not friends….. You want to spend every waking moment with that person and for long-distance romance we have the internet helping to keep that love alive.

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Why Self-Forgiveness is So Important For You

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When you internally forgive, it is like letting go of that heaviness that had you bound for some time, your feet a free to move, the pain is leaving, the hurt is decapitating and what remains is what each new day brings. The chance to start over again.

We often look at forgiveness as something we do for others, we forgive, forget and move on. But forgiveness is not always about forgiving someone who has hurt you or done you wrong, it’s about burying the past and redeeming grace. Your Grace! Forgiveness is also a gift you give yourself. It’s about admitting to yourself that your peace is worth more than the punishment you are inflicting on yourself by not forgiving yourself.  

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When Relationships Let You Down….Don’t Let Yourself Down

People go in and out of our lives, during that time we have to take the bitter with the sweet. The happy with the sad and hope we are not broken in between. YNG

It’s a valid expectation that we expect our friends to uphold their word. Friends are always the first to offer their help when we’re in distress, or in need. We expect them to be that shoulder to cry on when romantic relationships breakdowns, that guest of honour when we through our pity parties,  that listening ear when life is unfair and that soothing voice that says, it’s ok! You’re going to be ok! We put so many expectations into friendships or any relationship for that matter, that it’s only natural to harbour a feeling of betrayal when those relationships do not live up to our expectations.

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Celebrating The Fanfare of Life

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Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.
― Roy T. Bennett

Life is filled with celebrations. We celebrate pregnancy, and birth, and share a celebration of life when someone dies. How many times do we celebrate actual living? I know we live each day the cycle of eat, sleep, work, but what happens in between those hours? How are we living those hours? What is it that you’re doing right now to celebrate waking up this morning? Celebrations aren’t always about the fanfare, cake, balloons, cigars, or champaign. The simple act of gratitude, or doing something for yourself can be a celebration in itself.  With all, its wonderful thrills, love and laughter, and happy moments, Life itself is a fanfare.

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Hold The Faith and Guard Your Thoughts

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Do not come into agreement with fear. Activate your faith, live in victory, speak over your life and expect great things to come your way.
― Germany Kent

Keeping the faith during tough times can be difficult, even the firmest believers have their test of Faith many times during their lives.  During times of trials, we question everything, our existence, our purpose and our conscious self. Consciousness and Faith are two sides of the same coin, one is the determining factor of how well the other works. Faith reflects the quality of our conscious being. Some are alienated by the word faith because it signifies the acknowledgement of someone higher than themselves having control. It signifies the exitance of God! This is by no means a lesson on Religion, it’s far from it. It’s a lesson on finding your place, purpose and spirituality!

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Finding Your Purpose, Power and Path

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This was not meant to be a lesson in any form of Religion, but rather a lesson in faith, a lesson in Self and Self worth. For me, the road was long………This is not something that will happen overnight, nor is it something that will happen at the drop of a hat. First, you must want that change in your life, and then you must be determined to make that change happen. A change can be as simple as taking a new route to work, choosing brown shoes instead of black! Life is simple, how we live our lives makes it difficult to find our purpose, power and path.

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