Thankful Thursday


“Get rid of clutter and you may just find that it was blocking the door your’ve been looking for”  ~Katrina Mayer

I love bargain hunting. But then again who doesn’t? Bargain hunting, means bargain collecting! Things pile up and before you know it, you’re buried in over a dozen pairs of shoes, one too many not so little black dresses, more muffin pans than the town baker and a chorus of things we often don’t use or don’t need. Well you see where I’m going here. When we shop, unless it’s food or some other perishable, we’re COLLECTING. If you’ve moved around as many times as I have, you know first hand how things can creep up on you. I’ve created simple rule of thumb, toss anything that I haven’t used in a year. Re-evaluate anything you have used in 6 months. It’s something I learned from a friend of mine when she found herself moving back to the United States, after spending eight years  living in another country.

Now any free time I get, is spent clearing out. So I have less pairs of shoes, trousers and any  other unnecessary  STUFF than I used too. No I don’t plan on moving anytime soon, at least not relocating, maybe moving to a bigger place. Somewhere that has space for a vegetable garden, don’t know how well cabbages, lettuce or beans grow in this temperamental weather, but I’ll give it a try.

Thought it’s easier said than done, cleaning out your life should be like cleaning out your closet, or home! It doesn’t matter how hard is may see because we  often find it difficult to let go! Sometimes you just have to toss it all out with the bath water.


Toss out those old  habits: Old habits are hard to break, but you can teach an old dog a new trick. You’re never too old to start something new or to start over. I hate when someone says to me-“Oh I can’t learn to use a smart phone or computer because they’re too old.” Out with the old you, in with a new improved you!
Forgive, forgive, forgive! Forgiving doesn’t mean you’ve forgetter, it simply means you’ve decided to move on.
Know your limits– STOP taking on more than you can handle, while it good to be there for others. Know when you’re being taken advantage of.
The future’s bright. And guess what? It’s also empty! And if nothing I’ve said makes sense to you or motivates you to rethink your life. Think of how you feel after you’ve cleared out your closet. The future is empty and waiting for your to write the next chapter.



©Etta D. Richards

9 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

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  2. I’ve lived in the same house for 27 years. I know what you’re talking about. Worse, the pack rat gene runs wild in my family. Every now and then, I steel my sentimentality and start donating things that we really don’t need anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh gosh!! It’s the same for me, that ‘pack rat’ genes. Other than college, my big move came at 30, then 5 years later. Two years ago I moved to another country.
      But back home I held a garage sale every few months, so I sold some of my stuff and gave some away 😉 You always need money to buy new stuff right? LOL! 🙂
      Thanks for sharing Sue.

      Liked by 1 person

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