21 Day Mindful Meditation- Day 5

Welcome to DAY 5! 💕 Congratulations you’ve made it to our 5th day!“

Those who attack do not know they are blessed. They attack because they believe they are deprived. Give, therefore, of your abundance, and teach your brothers [and sisters] theirs. Do not share their illusions of scarcity, or you will perceive yourself as lacking.”-A Course in Miracles

Take a deep breath, TRUST that even amidst all the current chaos, you have the time and resources to explore this next adventure. This next project can be a bit intimidating for some but it feels so good to see you all here and to know you’re following along your OWN path to abundance.

Keep in mind that if you are not in a place where you feel like you are ready to share this practice with others, that is perfectly ok. Personally, I understand that everyone is on their own timing and I believe that we should all stick with this with whatever decision you make. Give yourself Grace.

Regardless of how you approach today’s task ❤️ Stick with it! Do not quit the journey.

Please write the phrase and do the meditation with whatever decision you make! 😊 And know that you are appreciated!

PHRASE OF THE DAY: Write this in your notebook and reflect on it throughout the day. “Today I embrace my potential to be, do, and have whatever I can dream.”



This is the Mantra you will repeat during meditation: “Sat Chit Ananda”

MESSAGE OF THE DAY: Today we will penetrate the field of all possibilities, appearing in the silence of meditation. The unlimited power of the universe is always at your disposal. By making intuitive decisions rooted in this unified field, you can express your deepest desires.

In your everyday life, continue to cultivate silence. Spend more time in nature; immerse yourself in beautiful music; listen to uplifting and inspiring stories; and surround yourself with optimistic, like-minded people. By doing this, you will see how the field of all possibilities is widely revealed in front of you to help your dreams come true.


Today’s task is based on the law of ENERGY EXCHANGE.

EVERYTHING is made of energy.

And we are constantly exchanging energy with one another.

Energy does not disappear. It simply changes form.

  • If someone has departed, then someone has arrived.
  • If you send something out, then something will return to you.
  • If you want to achieve balance, learn to give AND receive.

Today’s exercise is up to you.

If you do not feel ready, that is fine! We’ll see you tomorrow with Day 6 Meditation 💛

Right now, I suggest doing your meditation FIRST before diving into reading about the task!!

For those who would like to create your own group, today’s task is completely devoted to the EXCHANGE. And, it is a tremendous turning point in our journey!


Starting today, YOU are given the opportunity to be responsible for your very own abundance group on any social media platform or blog as I’ve done here.

Yes – you read that correctly!

It does not have to be big or encompass all your FB friends or WhatsApp group invites. It might be 2-3 people, though they do say it takes the same amount of effort to accomplish something small, as it does to accomplish something big.

Every day, YOU will conduct your group through tasks from 0 to 21 days, just like you get, and will continue to receive from me. Today, however, you are creating your group and sending “Task 0” How do you open a group?

  1. Choose a profile photo that symbolizes abundance to you
  2. Name the group “21 Days of Abundance” or another name that works for you
  3. Invite your friends, family, community…
  4. Explain the intention of the group and say that there will be daily tasks
  5. Copy, edit and send the daily messages I am posting or create your own message

You can edit to fit your personality, or simply use my messages; however, the tasks and meditations MUST remain the same! You can either copy and edit directly into your social media group or Text or WhatsApp, or paste into Notes, WORD, or anywhere else you feel comfortable rewriting and crafting the copy to incorporate your personal style and language. And remember, it is perfectly fine to use my posts. Just be sure to use the correct dates, etc.

  • Be advised, you can either download the files from youtube.

This is about sharing Abundance!

✨✨Now, read the next section carefully✨✨


Invite everyone!

Do not decide for other people whether it will be interesting to them or not.

Perhaps it is this flow of plenty that they need right now. Perhaps it is this community while we all practice social distancing.

And YOU will be the conductor of abundance in the lives of these beautiful people!

Potential participants must be prepared to become part of such a process.

We are all free to make our own choices. For me, this became a practice of letting go and finding wisdom in knowing that each person was doing exactly what was right for them.

I schedule the posts ahead of time, when I find the time

For some, this task may seem extremely difficult due to the extra effort that will have to be made, or because of fear of failure or fear of the unknown or the fear of “how it looks”. Whatever that voice is, I challenge, encourage, and invite you to break through that barrier.

It helps to realize one’s fears, doubts, and limitations that interfere with growth.

In full transparency, I was excited to share this as I was looking for a way to show people abundancy. As for the person who initially invited me she questioned whether she had enough emotional energy and the capacity to commit to facilitating this during this pandemic.

And then she challenged herself- which has been rewarding. Everyone is in a different frame of mind and that is ok.

It has been very moving and inspiring to see who put their hand up and committed to this journey – and it has been incredibly rewarding reconnecting with so many of you.

A lot of people will send you reasons why NOT – but YOU will have created a space for why YES! Let the love in your heart expand because you can contribute to the well-being of others.

OPTIONAL: Consider setting-up your “Day 0” for Saturday or Sunday, so that your Day 1 falls on a Sunday or Monday. For many people, starting on a Sunday or Monday will feel like a good, fresh start to their week, and to this journey.

Even so, create your group today and put out a general post letting people know that you are launching a “21 Days of Abundance” group, just as I did with my initial post. Again, keep in mind, if you are not in a place where you feel like you are ready to do this, it’s ok.

💛 Give yourself Grace. Do not quit this journey, keep on the path to a more abundant life for you! Remember, completing this task is not obligatory. If you choose to skip it, see you on day 6! Stick with me here, regardless of how you approach today’s task ❤️


Thanks to everyone who continue to leave their tracks on my blog.

Filling The Spaces You’ve Had To Weed Out

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“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.”
~C.G. Jung

As we near the end of yet another lockdown here in the U. K, I can’t help but to hit the pause button to reflect on not only the past year, but the past few months. From December to now I’m constantly reflecting on the many things I have implemented in my life which have not only kept me grounded and focus during the first year of this pandemic but has helped we found the self was buried.  In the process I discovered that most of what I was looking for was already there, by paying closer attention to self I found what was staring me in the face all along. The quietness of my morning meditative walks helped me discover the beautiful yet simple things in my life. 

Continue reading “Filling The Spaces You’ve Had To Weed Out”

Extraordinary People And The Lives They Touch!

It’s been a few months since I’ve done any blogging, in those months I reflected on whether or not I should keep my blog going.  I’m now working from home, having both daughters at home during that time after all Universities here went from Face2Face to online studies didn’t help much because when I wasn’t working a huge chunk of my time was spent, proofing, editing and assisting them in research, which left very little time to do anything else. The WordPress upgrade didn’t help much either because it meant having to work my way through learning the new set up. The initial purpose of this blog was to help motivate me to write more, however, in the past few years, I haven’t written much, except for my books, which I’m still plodding through, and a few bits of poetry, here and there. But over the years my blog grew into something beyond being a motivational tool into a space where others also found motivation, inspiration and reflection as more and more people started following my blog, many of whom have reached out to me at some point to say how much they enjoy my blog. I appreciate you!!

Clearing out my inbox and going through a few of those emails made me realize that this blog was not just about me. It’s also about the people who take time out of their day to read what I have to say and hopefully what you read resonates you in someway. So many times we go through life without a second thought about anything or anyone who are not in front of us, we ignore the unseen and at times forget that the world exists outside of the bubble we’ve created for ourselves. During the busyness of the past few weeks, I was reminded that the people who cross our paths, whether virtually or real life are by their own rights, extraordinary. Those extraordinary people can do and say extraordinary things that can have a drastic effect not only on their own lives but also the lives of those they’ve touched.  To anyone reading this right now, you are extraordinary and I appreciate you! I may drop off the radar now and then but I am still here, reading your blogs and your comments.


Stay in touch! Stay inspired! Follow me on InstagramTwitter or Facebook

©Etta  D. Richards

Phenomenal Friday-Creating Micro-Connections

networking-micro connections-blogging
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“It’s the people we hardly know, and not our closest friends, who will improve our lives most dramatically”
~Meg Jay

The more mature I become the less gregarious my nature. My inner circle has become smaller but more meaningful, a few years ago it struck me that there were many people in my life who were simply just along for the ride. They brought nothing to the table and when they walked away they took more than necessary. We all know those people, the ones who always need a favour but is never available to return one.

Continue reading “Phenomenal Friday-Creating Micro-Connections”

Trouble Sharing To Facebook


Is anyone else having issues posting their blogs to Facebook or Twitter?

This is the message popping up when trying to share anything from my website to Facebook



I’m also having issues connecting my Twitter account to Facebook as none of my posts from there are being shared. I’ve tried disconnecting and reconnecting account. Posting directly to Facebook (copy/ pasting link). Nothing seems to work.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sharing Blogs On Social Media



Is anyone else having problems connecting their WordPress site to their Social Media Site?


Meaningful Monday-How The World Is Changing Around Us


Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening.

A few months ago, I freed myself from standard-procedure society. I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that.

Continue reading “Meaningful Monday-How The World Is Changing Around Us”

Phenomenal Friday-People You Least Suspect Will Support You!


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“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~Maya Angelou

Continue reading “Phenomenal Friday-People You Least Suspect Will Support You!”