STOP there is still time to have your say :)

Hop on over to UBKA17 and cast your vote for Melanie.


bloglogoggogNOW the clock is ticking, but there is still time, but quick have your SAY and VOTE for me! 🙂  Select FOOD and DRINK + LIFESTYLE on the drop down menu, here is the link:

Feel free to tweet, facbook, reblog and share this post with the world.  Happy Blogging!!🙂

Followers and fellow bloggers your support and positive feedback has already been amazing and your vote is muchly appreciated!! 🙂

Thank you kindly in advance and best of luck to all the other entrants🙂

Melanie xx

#UKBA17 @UKBlogAwards

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Thankful Thursday-Truly Believe In Yourself


“Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don’t, who will?” ~ Jon Bon Jovi

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