Phenomenal Friday-Are You Living Without Rhym Or Reason?


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“Dare to dream! If you did not have the capability to make your wildest wishes come true, your mind would not have the capacity to conjure such ideas in the first place. There is no limitation on what you can potentially achieve, except for the limitation you choose to impose on your own imagination. What you believe to be possible will always come to pass – to the extent that you deem it possible. It really is as simple as that.”
~Anthon St. Maarten

This as my contribution to Debbie’s Forgiving Friday series, where she writes about and invite others to share their thoughts on Forgiveness, Self-Love and Personal Growth. Debbie, thank you and I am so grateful for the opportunity to contribute to your blog.

The weekend is short, it seems like two days are now rolled into one and the 5 day week feels like it runs on forever, so much so, I’m now reliving my “I hate Mondays” phase. A phase of my life I never thought I’d ever venture to again. Working outside your vision while still trying to maintain your vision is hard. But what’s harder is living without Rhym or Reason as I’ve found that so many people are happily doing. Going from day to day, paycheck to paycheck without any real or valuable intentions, other than surviving the week while salivating over the restful hours of the weekend.

Are you living your life with meaningful intention or are you living without Rhym or Reason?

Intentions are fundamental in creating a happy, meaningful life. My intention is to always experience the greater, finer things in life while expanding my creativity, connection to divine peace, prosperity and abundance in all things. This may sound a bit over the top but I don’t want to live my life without Rhyme or Reason because there is always time to sent intentions no matter how hectic life gets.

Here are 4 Ingredients to Creating Intentions

1. They Must Be Meaningful to You
Intentions are what you want to manifest for yourself, in your life! It’s you saying “I a____”, “My intention is____”. By filling in the blanks you have created a clear path to your future.

2.  Be Present of the End Result
For every thought there’s a positive or negative manifestation. What you want tomorrow, a week from now or two weeks from now should be represented in your thought and actions of today.

3. Know What’s Achievable & Believable to You?
It’s easy to have emotional resistance especially when there is no support, don’t be discouraged by others. There has to be real truth to your intention, they must feel achievable and believable to you even when they aren’t to others.

4. Don’t Try to Redo the Past
Intentions are new beginnings not to redo the past. It’s a fresh start to your well being through stating positively what you want to have manifested in your life. You deserve a future of elegance, ease, health and healing, Divine grace, Divine guidance, joy, freedom, beauty, trust, wisdom and love. Know it, accept and embrace it. It doesn’t matter how much you wish it, you can’t redo the past so you might as well embrace the future.

3 thoughts on “Phenomenal Friday-Are You Living Without Rhym Or Reason?

  1. Oh Etta, this is so powerful! I love your focus and keys on intention, what an incredible gift for each of us to consciously create our lives with Spirit authentically – and to awaken to who we truly are. I have a big smile on my face. 🙂

    YOU are fantastic. I acknowledge you for your clear intention and commitment to yourself. I love you, Etta. Great contribution for #ForgivingFridays. I’ll share it in next week’s post!
    Blessings of love to you, and lots of joy too,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Debbie!! Though I may run off the rails sometimes. I always go back to my intentions. But I’m finding myself going off the rails less often these days 🙂


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