Meaningful Monday

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now.” ~Alan Lakein

It has become a ritual between Christmas and New Year’s for people to review what they have accomplished over the previous year and make a written plan of what they want to accomplish in the coming year. I must confess though, I do the same. My written plans are  much like a road map. It shows me the way, heads me in the right direction and keeps me on course.

Written plans are viewed by many of the most productive people as a powerful in achieving what you want. We’re a week into Spring, a quart of the year is almost gone; and dare I say-before you know it Summer would’ve graced up with it’s presence, then wave us goodbye. How many of your are still on track with your list? How many you have even bothered to make a list?

In writing my plan, some questions I pose to myself are:

Where do I want to be three months from now; six months from now; or a year from now?
How am I going to get there?
What do I have to do to get myself from where I am NOW to where I want to be?
What’s the first step to get me going?

There are too many distractions out there not to have your desires on paper.

~Have a meaningful Monday!

17 thoughts on “Meaningful Monday

  1. I am happy to say I have still been keeping up with my new years goals of going to the gym and eating healthier and have bumped up my gym going to twice a week consistently 🙂 I’m finally starting to see results too, yay!

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