Wonderful Wednesday-Opportunities, Traditions and Bonding


“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” ~ Edna Ferber

🎶 It’s the most wonderful time of the year  🎶
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you be of good cheer
It’s the most wonderful time of the year

🎶 It’s the hap-happiest season of all 🎶
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call
It’s the hap-happiest season of all

🎶                                   🎶                             🎶                                 🎶


No, wait! That’s not for another month :p I have a Christmas tradition at my house in which my daughters and I begin our Christmas countdown December 1, first it’s the blasting and singing of Christmas Carols and songs, then by the second week we’re well into watching marathons of, what daughter # 2 calls “Cheesy” Christmas movies; you know, the ones with the fake snow, cheesy decoration and either unknown actors or ones who have seen better days in their careers. Well, this year I got bitten by the bug early and much to daughter’s # 2 protest I started movie marathons a few weeks earlier and so began my countdown to Christmas 😉

This is just one of many traditions I started with my own daughters, but there are dozens more that I had with my Mom and grandparents growing up, some of which will be shared in my Holiday Countdown Blogs. As Christmas has become  so commercialised over the years, with all the glitz and glamour of store decor, we’re more and more bombarded with television ads and the increasing selection the decision on Christmas gifts can make our heads spin. With all this external chaos,  it’s easy to push aside opportunities that feed our soul and forget the little things that truly make us happy .


But before fully diving into the madness, take note of what’s important to you, take stock of how and what you’re feeding your spirit. Believe or not, nothing nourishes the soul more than creating memories with those you love. There are dozens of opportunities that present themselves throughout the year. But for me, my daughters and I sitting in the same room at the same time, riding the emotional roller coaster  together and often critiquing the same movie each year, really  makes my heart sing. It makes me understand what’s truly important because what I see sitting next to me or across the room from me are not a 17-year-old and a 21-year-old. What I see are two little girls enjoying time with their mommy. Our little movie tradition allows so many opportunities for bonding with my now adult daughters because, among other things, it opens the door for personal discussion on topics they otherwise would think twice before sharing with me or each other. This is what brings me happiness.


~Have a Wonderful Wednesday


©Etta D. Richards


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