Phenomenal Friday-4 Things I’ve Learnt This Frist Quarter Of 2018


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Whenever we need to make a very important decision it is best to trust our instincts, because reason usually tries to remove us from our dream, saying that the time is not yet right. Reason is afraid of defeat, but intuition enjoys life and its challenges.
~Paulo Coelho
The most complex roadblock you will ever face in life is overcoming the mind.  If you can overcome those tiny whispers of doubt, trust me you can overcome anything.  Each year brings with it challenges,  the trick to getting to the finish line is to take one hurdle at a time. The great news is,  with each hurdle you jump over the race becomes easier and the whispers aren’t as loud as they used to be, you will find yourself stronger both mentally and physically as you realise that your frustration comes from the way you react to those hurdles and not life itself.
I’ve done a lot of soul searching this year and here as 4 valuable lesssons, I’ve learned in this first quarter.

1.Be careful what you wish for. Wishes should be made with careful consideration. If you ask for some random thing expect a random response. I wished for a permanent post that will allow me to use my skills while gaining knowledge. I didn’t distinguish where or the specific post I wanted. The position did come, but it wasn’t what I expected but it’s still early in the game and like everything in life, there’s always a path to take you to where you would like to be. Maybe this is my pathway! Lesson learnt-ask with clarity.


“The greatest battle you ever have to win is the battle within yourself.” ~ Eli Soriano

2. Peace of mind begins where worry ends! Often I’ve had to take deeeeep breaths and ignore certain situations and people. Lesson learnt-don’t allow another person or situation to control your thoughts. Life is not what happens to you, life is what you choose to accept!

3. In my pursuit of happiness, I’ve found that letting go of what I felt my life should be, embracing it for what it is and accepting that life can be anything that I imagined it to be is the beginning to finding happiness.  Too often we see life as our current situation so we can’t imagine it being any different. I’ve accepted that I am enough, I am deserving of everything and more. The Universe has set out a menu and all I had to do is place my order. Lesson learnt,  refer to lesson 1.

4. One of the most difficult things for me was accepting to live in the NOW! Living in the past was a way of punishing myself for all those so-called wrong decisions, living in the future was an easy way out of dealing with my present situations. I had to learn not to make life complicated by fighting old battles while creating imaginary ones.

Cheers to the rest of 2018! I’m ready so ready………….

*This is my submission to Debbie’s Forgiving Friday Serials, where she writes about and invite others to share their thoughts on  Forgiveness and Personal Growth.

~Happy Friday

©Etta D. Richards



3 thoughts on “Phenomenal Friday-4 Things I’ve Learnt This Frist Quarter Of 2018

  1. Etta, this is an amazing blog post! Your 4 learnings are keys for anyone in life. Thank you! Acceptance is particularly meaningful in my life personally – being ok with what my life is. Such a relief, isn’t it? THANK YOU for this contribution to #ForgivingFridays… Will share tomorrow! Love, Debbie

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