Phenomenal Friday- The Happiness Alphabet.


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This is my submission to Debbie’s Forgiving Friday  series, where she writes about and invite others to share their thoughts on  Forgiveness, Self-Love and Personal Growth.

Don’t forget to pause, appreciate and give yourself much  deserved credit for how far you’ve come. The most powerful mechanism against daily stress is free will, the will to choose one thought over another.  I’ve put together a list of some of my favourite words, they help me to focus inward whenever I need clarity in chaos or calm in when life gets stormy, they remind me that time is best spent focusing on the positive and not sitting too long despairing on the negative.

“There is another alphabet, whispering from every leaf, singing from every river, shimmering from every sky.”      ~ Dejan Stojanovic

Affirm- Always affirm your intentions. Affirmations are the road maps to fulfilling your goals.

Believe in yourself or no one else will!

Celebrate- Celebrate life, celebrate love and celebrate YOU!

Detachment -Detach yourself from toxic relationships.

Everything is never as is seems, pay attention.

Grow-Personal Growth is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Hope- It’s always alive. Even in the darkest sky there are stars

Inhibition- lose it! One description for inhibition is -“the slowing or prevention of a process, reaction, or function.” Life moves quickly, you have to keep up!

Joy-Carry it where ever you go.

Knowledge-It’s only power if you use it.

Love-Love yourself first, everyone else is secondary.

Move- keep moving. Progress, Insight, Wisdom all comes with movement.

Navigate away from the negative, stay in the positive.

Optimists-The pessimist says it’s impossible, the optimist says I’ll keep trying

Paradigm- Forget everything you thought you knew and move past your terror barrier.

Quit-Quitting is NOT an option! As long as you’re above ground there’s hope.

Rest- because like everything electrical, your brain needs to recharge.
Support, always support those who support you!

Thankful- In all that you do and for all that you have, BE thankful. In the worst of times, in the best of times, there are lessons to be learned.

Understanding- We all have our faults. Be understanding of other, most often the faults we see in others are our shortfalls.

Victor! You can be a Victim or a Victor the choice is yours.

Walk- It’s still the best form of exercise but it’s an even better way to starting over, walk away from situations that do not serve your purpose.

Xenomania- This word describes me perfectly, I have great enthusiasm for foreign cities, cultures and people.

Yearn- Don’t die with a head full of dreams and a body longing for adventure. Yearn for the goals you have buried inside you.

ZEAL- Your time here it limited, live life with enthusiasm.


~Happy Friday

©Etta D. Richard

8 thoughts on “Phenomenal Friday- The Happiness Alphabet.

  1. Happy Friday, Etta D! Great post – I love your creativity and how you support yourself. Funny, I was just listening to a seminar by John-Roger on how affirmations can help us to make decisions full of abundance / success! Here’s one of my favorites: “I choose life, trusting in the grace of my heart.” Wonderful contribution for Forgiving Fridays – I’ll include it in my line up this Friday. 🙂

    Loving and blessings to you… Debbie

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